Documents defining the process used for network adequacy evaluation and regulation.
Published: 8/15/2024
Published: 3/3/2025
Published: 3/14/2018
Final official list of providers from the most recent data maintenance process.
Published: 2/11/2025
Proposed additions and deletions.
Published: 1/23/2025
Provider-Types defined using National Uniform Claim Committee taxonomy codes.
Published: 8/15/2024
Visualization of practicing locations of different provider types
Published: 12/13/2021
Check problem county coverage based on selected Provider Type-Practicing City/Town
Published: 1/31/2025
Display current detail, network, and PTNP history for any NPI
Published: 12/27/2022
NOTE: the composition of some slides may not be complete in the static version. For a more accurate view of the content please see the video version below.
NOTE: the composition of some slides may not be complete in the static version. For a more accurate view of the content please see the video version below.
NOTE: the composition of some slides may not be complete in the static version. For a more accurate view of the content please see the video version below.
NOTE: the composition of some slides may not be complete in the static version. For a more accurate view of the content please see the video version below.
NOTE: the composition of some slides may not be complete in the static version. For a more accurate view of the content please see the video version below.
NOTE: the composition of some slides may not be complete in the static version. For a more accurate view of the content please see the video version below.
NOTE: the composition of some slides may not be complete in the static version. For a more accurate view of the content please see the video version below.
NOTE: the composition of some slides may not be complete in the static version. For a more accurate view of the content please see the video version below.
NOTE: the composition of some slides may not be complete in the static version. For a more accurate view of the content please see the video version below.
Published: 6/25/2020