Product Compliance

Earthquake Data Submission Instructions

IMPORTANT: the template is updated for 2023. Submissions with a previous year's template will not be accepted.
Download the current data submission template
Download complete instructions and FAQ

The Earthquake Market Analysis Report is a report due April 1, annually, from companies writing personal lines property coverages in Arkansas. This data submission is required only for residential personal lines, not commercial lines of business. Companies not writing personal lines property coverages are not required to submit this report.

Step 1: Enter your NAIC number in the box:

Step 2: Select the category of the insured in the file:

Step 3: Click in the box below to select the file or drag and drop from your computer:

Drop file here or click to choose a file

Overwrite existing file

Step 4: Click "Submit"

Step 5 (optional): Repeat for other insured categories

If you have any questions on this data submission please do not hesitate to email us at

The Market Assistance Program (MAP) is a program that provides earthquake coverage to insureds unable to obtain coverage from the company providing their underlying residential property coverage. Coverge is provided by carriers approved by the Arkansas Earthquake Authority Board. Please refer to ACA 23-102-109.

The Arkansas Earthquake Authority, may be implemented by Legislative action, in the event there are no carriers participating in the MAP. An assessment will then be made against companies pursuant to ACA 23-102-112 based upon premiums reported on their annual statement